Natural Gas
Shale Oil And Gas Industry: 80% Of Its Value Destroyed In 10 Years

Recently, the former CEO of the largest shale gas producer in the United States told a roomful of conference goers what any competent financial analysis would have revealed many years ago: the shale oil and gas industry as a whole has been destroying capital since its inception. “The fact is that every time they put the drill […]
Natural Gas: The Hottest Fossil Fuel

In recent years, global coal consumption growth has slowed. In developed areas such as the U.S. and the European Union, coal consumption has been declining for over a decade. While the world will continue to use coal for decades, its days as a growth industry appear to be behind it. Likewise, oil appears to be […]
Low Natural Gas Prices Fuel The US LNG Bull Run

It is the legally mandated purpose of a for-profit corporation to make money for its owners and to prioritize that goal above all else. So, it is no surprise that U.S. natural gas producers have been seeking relief from domestic prices that have generally hovered between $2 and $4 per thousand cubic feet for most of […]