California Wildfires, Electricity Shutoffs And A Troubled US Energy Future

Most of the news surrounding the electricity shutoffs in California—done to avert the ignition of additional wildfires by aging electrical infrastructure—has focused on two things: climate change and the greedy, incompetent management of Pacific Gas & Electric. Missing in this discussion is the broad neglect of the complex infrastructure of the United States and possibly […]
Weakening Shale Productivity Could Be Bullish For Oil Prices

After years of improvements in drilling techniques and impressive “efficiency gains,” there is now evidence that the U.S. shale industry is reaching the end of the road on well productivity. A report earlier this month from Raymond James & Associates finds that the U.S. shale industry may struggle to achieve further productivity gains. If these […]
3 Solar Stocks To Buy While Investors Underestimate Them

Solar stocks are being underestimated, largely because of a forecast that appears to be biased and inaccurate For a couple of years, I’ve repeatedly emphasized that solar equities are great stocks to buy. One of the reasons for my bullishness about solar stocks was the rapid adoption of solar energy by most of the largest countries in the world, […]
High Yield From Renewable Energy

Although the rate of growth has slowed, developing and operating renewable energy facilities remain on a growth trajectory. A more moderate pace will allow the industry to sustain growth over an extended number of years better. Developers of renewable energy projects finance that development with the use of high-yield business structures as the final owners […]
What If Venezuela And Iran Oil Are Totally Off The Market?

We’re hyper-focused on politics at the moment because, well, Trump. If he weren’t the president, with unshakeable support from one faction while inducing loathing from another, then the 2020 election cycle might be a touch less fanatical. But he is the president, and we’ve got Democratic hopefuls pummeling each other as they move to the […]
Shale Oil And Gas Industry: 80% Of Its Value Destroyed In 10 Years

Recently, the former CEO of the largest shale gas producer in the United States told a roomful of conference goers what any competent financial analysis would have revealed many years ago: the shale oil and gas industry as a whole has been destroying capital since its inception. “The fact is that every time they put the drill […]
Will Rising Energy Prices Lead To Higher Inflation?

It happens whenever there’s a sharp rise in gasoline or oil prices. Pundits focus on the increases and cry foul if broad inflation gauges don’t confirm the price hikes at the pump. But it’s short-sighted to assume that a spike in energy prices will automatically lead to higher inflation overall. It’s tempting to argue otherwise, […]
Gasoline Market Tightening In Latest EIA Energy Report

Introduction After last week`s surprising build of 7.2 million barrels in the oil market, we were wondering if this was an anomaly, the effects of the shipping channel disruptions, or just a timing issue regarding tanker offloads. Well, we added another 7 million barrels to oil inventories again this week, but gasoline inventories had a […]
The Russians Are Coming To America ….. Bearing Oil

As America’s Russia hysteria is stirred once again by the arrival of the long-awaited report of the U.S. Department of Justice on Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, a surge in Russian oil imports has arrived on America’s shores. The surge was little noticed by what passes for the U.S. foreign policy apparatus these days […]
Natural Gas: The Hottest Fossil Fuel

In recent years, global coal consumption growth has slowed. In developed areas such as the U.S. and the European Union, coal consumption has been declining for over a decade. While the world will continue to use coal for decades, its days as a growth industry appear to be behind it. Likewise, oil appears to be […]