A Simple Way to Trade Silver

Is there a simple way to understand silver? Yes indeed, silver analysts – including your friendly Gold Enthusiast – do sometimes prattle on about this and that factor, and how the silver markets are paying attention to this right now, that a bit later. What if you just wanted a really simple way to trade silver? We’d […]
Will Silver (SLV) Prices Keep Sliding?

Silver’s impressive run-up came to a halt last Thursday when some good news about the US-China trade war hit the Twitterverse. (We’ve given our opinion on that already, so we’ll just move on.) You’ll remember our adage about drops hitting 3x as hard as rises – well it wasn’t true in this case. The last 3 trading days brought a drop […]
The Reason Why Silver Is In ‘No Mans Land’

Today marks a moment in history for your friendly Gold Enthusiast. Due to increasing requests, we’re starting coverage of the world of silver as well as gold. Because we want to make this as easy for you as possible we’ll be covering gold Monday – Wednesday – Friday, and silver Tuesday – Thursday. So if you’re only […]